Building TechTalk Podcast
Crafted for your commute, our podcast is designed to accompany you from point A to point B. Join us as we explore the latest industry trends, innovative solutions, and expert insights that shape the landscape of sustainable infrastructure. Tune in on Spotify, YouTube, or Apple Podcasts to stay connected.
BuildingTechTalk – Episode 12 – Q Construction Management
In this episode we sit down with Jason Elvy with Q Construction Management to discuss the new reality for development projects in an environment of long lead times and snarled supply chains.
BuildingTechTalk – Episode 11 – The Future of Carbon Capture Technology
As the world looks to decarbonize, carbon capture technology has typically been seen as only viable on a massive scale. That’s where the geniuses at OCCAM’s Technologies disagree. They’re pursuing small-scale carbon capture units that could be used around the world. We sit down to discuss their progress and what it could mean for the building industry.
BuildingTechTalk – Episode 10 – Development Industry Insight for 2022
As 2021 draws to a close we sit down with Matt Grieve, President of Maggnum Ventures, for an inside look at the challenges the real estate industry is facing heading into 2022, and how construction companies can adapt to meet their needs.
Building TechTalk – Episode 9 – Low Carbon Cement Breakthrough
On the heels of COP26, we sit down with the Stephen Harpur, CEO at Progressive Planet to hear the details about a major milestone in reducing the carbon footprint of the building industry through cement derived from recycled post-consumer glass.