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ZS2 Technologies and our partners are experiencing accelerated momentum in our efforts to decarbonize the construction industry. Stay up to date on our latest collaborations, developments and innovative breakthroughs.


TechInsider – April 2024

From delicious innovations to exciting partnerships, the future at ZS2 is sweet. We’ve got updates across the board from manufacturing, R&D, TechPartners, Strategic Partners and more. Don’t be shy, sneak a bite.

TechInsider – February 2024

From the launch of our new website to securing a multi-million dollar NGen manufacturing grant, every update is a testament to our accelerated momentum. We’ve been busy, with no signs of slowing down. Just the way we like it.

TechInsider – December 2023

You’ll notice a bit of a different format this time around, so be sure to take a moment to watch the intro video from our three co-founders to get the full experience.

TechInsider – November 2023

In the spirit of celebrating Zero Emissions Day, we’re thrilled to share some exciting news. Since day one, our mission has been clear: to build a better planet. Alongside our dedicated partners, we are making strides in decarbonizing the construction industry.
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